The Challenge

Pinnacle Chiropractic Health and Wellness Center initially relied on an in-house billing process combined with purchased billing software. This was effective in terms of collections and paid bills, but it didn’t support the goal of becoming a paperless system. The billing software was functional but confusing, and the staff struggled to keep up with claims and follow-up with unpaid bills.

The Solution

Pinnacle explored new software and billing options, and after extensive research, they chose ACOM Health’s Insurance Billing Services and Software. One of the biggest selling points? RAPID notes and knowing the software would help them reach their goals of increased efficiency and becoming paperless, while simplifying their billing process.

The Results

After partnering with ACOM Health, Pinnacle saw immediate results, including:

• More free time to focus on growing their business and treating patients.

• A completely paperless practice.

• Less stressful work environment.

• All documents are easily accessible & in one place.

• Patient notes that are simplified, accurate and much less time-consuming.

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