Medicare Contractor Links
The following Medicare Carriers and Links are listed for Medicare Part B only. The reference list contains links to each resource’s website and is displayed both by state and by carrier name.
The following Medicare Carriers and Links are listed for Medicare Part B only. The reference list contains links to each resource’s website and is displayed both by state and by carrier name.
Is In-House or Outsourced Billing Best for You? Your billing and collections systems are part of the heartbeat of your practice. Interferences in these systems can be stressful and costly.
Which is better: having an in-house chiropractic biller, or partnering with a professional chiropractic billing service provider? The question might not be as provocative as, say, comparing Godzilla to King Kong, but it’s an important one to ask.
All chiropractic offices want to increase patient visit volume and improve the way they communicate with patients. The trick is to figure out effective and proven ways to do so. And that’s where incorporating automating tools into your practice comes in.