by Julie Bock | Sep 26, 2016
As you plan your “marketing” activities for 2009, may I give you my best advice? Stop Doing What You’re Doing! Stop listening to every newspaper, radio, cable, billboard, direct mail, and postcard pack media sales rep that calls on your office, telling you what you...
by Julie Bock | Sep 26, 2016
Every chiropractor wants to grow their practice. If we took a survey right now of chiropractors and asked them what their primary desire was for their practice, they would most assuredly state something about growth. And there’s nothing wrong with that, however, the...
by Julie Bock | Sep 26, 2016
The debate over whether to maintain an insurance-based practice or convert to a seemingly less troublesome cash basis is one that doesn’t go away. Many doctors straddle the fence, bending first in one direction, then in another, looking for the best answer. The fact...
by Julie Bock | Sep 26, 2016
As Chiropractors, we are specialists in the diagnoses and correction of abnormal biomechanical dysfunction of the spine. There are many doctors that recommend corrective care programs for their patients. There are also many management groups that teach doctors to...