by Julie Bock | Nov 22, 2019 | Chiropractic Practice Management, Software for Chiropractors
There are dozens of reasons why chiropractors and billers decide it’s time to partner with an outside chiropractic billing company. After all, managing an in-house billing process is time-consuming and, well … exhausting. Not to mention how difficult and...
by Julie Bock | Nov 15, 2019 | Chiropractic Practice Management, Software for Chiropractors
All-in-one chiropractic software and a fully integrated, paperless cloud solution can grow your practice, and so much more. There’s no doubt that chiropractic practice management software will improve your business processes and increase productivity. But all-in-one...
by Julie Bock | Oct 24, 2019 | Coding & Documentation, Successful Chiropractors
Helpful tips and resources for chiropractors and staff to improve coding, avoid audits, and increase revenue. Codes, codes and more codes. Even though they’re a part of every business day in the chiropractic documentation and billing process, they can be incredibly... by Julie Bock | Oct 9, 2019 | Recorded Webinars
Presented by Michelle Carmody
by Julie Bock | Oct 1, 2019 | Coding & Documentation, Successful Chiropractors
This article is republished by the express written permission of ChiroCode Institute Presenting Problem Some payers are denying Mechanical Traction (CPT Code 97012) on the same date of service as the Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment (CMT 98940-98942). Findings Here...