All too often, chiropractic practices implement new services and procedures only to discover that they have not increased cash flow. In this webinar, we explain the appropriate steps to implement a new service and get paid whether billed to insurance or cash-only. This webinar is ideal for those DCs considering implementing something new or have done so without success.

In this session we will cover:

  • Common pitfalls to implementation of new equipment/instruments or standard services
  • Why it matters for insurance billed and cash-only services
  • Effective steps for implementation

Brandy Brimhall is a recognized expert in chiropractic billing, coding & compliance. She is a Certified Professional Coder, Certified Professional Compliance Officer, Certified ChiroCode Professional Coder, Certified Medical Compliance Officer, and Certified Professional Medical Auditor.

Brandy is a sought after speaker at state and national chiropractic conferences and is a regular contributor to multiple chiropractic publications.

Listen to the previously recorded webinar:

ACOM Health 14149